W dniach 13-14 października można było nas spotkać na targach Food Matters Live w Londynie, skierowanych do branży spożywczej i napojowej. Targi były wyśmienitą okazją do wymiany doświadczeń, spotkania z kontrahentami oraz zapoznania się z ofertą światowych liderów w branży dodatków funkcjonalnych do żywności.

On January 10, we solemnly summarized the past year 2019. It was a unique event because of the 10th Anniversary of Falken Trade in Poland. This event was an excellent opportunity to sum up, reflect and reflect on what we have achieved over the past 10 years and what we would have done differently in retrospect. 10 years is a period of hard work and building a harmonious team, which has resulted in gaining a well-established position on the demanding market of functional food and feed additives.

After the official part, full of memories, anecdotes and wishes for the next 10 years, we had a nice time together with our clients until dawn with the music of the Mega Band from Bialystok.

On December 3-5 we participated in the largest industry trade fair in Europe – Food Ingredients Europe. This year’s edition took place in Paris. Among over 27 thousand people participating in this event, we met a lot of our clients and suppliers. The fair was a great opportunity to talk and strengthen business contacts.

Besides food additives, our company also offers non-food chemicals and feed additives. For this reason we couldn’t miss the largest fair in Poland targeted at cattle, pigs and poultry producers & breeders. Thank you for all visits to our stand! Moreover, we would like to remind you that the full list of our feed additives is in the „products” tab on the website.

In one of the issues of MADE IN Warmia & Mazury with the beautiful Izabella Krzan on the cover, inside you will find an article about our business travels, completing the team and connecting people. We invite you to read